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Still alive.

The CSUN Libertarians are alive and well. We simply use the facebook page for most day-to-day posts and announcements. Be sure to check us out at: Meetings for the semester are on Mondays in Activity Room #4 of the USU at 5:oo PM. They run till around 7:00 PM. Be sure to come join us … Continue reading

Should textbooks be taxed?

Note: This is the draft of an Op-Ed submission for the Daily Sundial. Should textbooks be taxed? Earlier this month something horrible happened: Amazon started to collect sales tax from Californians. The immediate effect of this was that my facebook news feed was filled with people complaining about the new tax, and obscenities about Jerry … Continue reading

Minutes for March 8th

The first Thursday meeting was a fair success in terms of turn out. We’ll be meeting next Thursday in the Second Floor of the Sierra Center Cafeteria again next week (3/10). 5 PM. All interested students are encouraged to attend of course. We had informal elections for officer positions. We now have a Secretary (Sam), … Continue reading

Why a Libertarian Club?

Back in November I ran a booth polling students on their political positions using the Operation Politically Homeless kit. After nearly a week of running the booth I had found not a single person who was in the libertarian sphere besides myself. Only three were right of center, but not by much. In short the … Continue reading