Still alive.

The CSUN Libertarians are alive and well. We simply use the facebook page for most day-to-day posts and announcements. Be sure to check us out at: Meetings for the semester are on Mondays in Activity Room #4 of the USU at 5:oo PM. They run till around 7:00 PM. Be sure to come join us … Continue reading

Let’s Abolish Associated Students!

The below is a draft copy of an editorial submission to the Sundial.  Let’s abolish Associated Students! It is time we abolish Associated Students, our student government. Every semester we pay $84 dollars into its coffers, but it’s unclear if we receive anything of benefit from it. Ideally Associated Students is meant to represent students … Continue reading

Should textbooks be taxed?

Note: This is the draft of an Op-Ed submission for the Daily Sundial. Should textbooks be taxed? Earlier this month something horrible happened: Amazon started to collect sales tax from Californians. The immediate effect of this was that my facebook news feed was filled with people complaining about the new tax, and obscenities about Jerry … Continue reading

Do we need free speech zones?

A little over a week ago the state assembly passed resolution 35 that urges Californian universities to work against allowing speech critical of the State of Israel. Regardless of one’s views on the Israel-Palestine debacle, this is a horrendous action on part of the state assembly. Even more horrifying is that the resolution does not distinguish … Continue reading

New Semester & Recruitment

A new semester is upon us and, with it, a new need to recruit new members for the club. I managed to attend Matafest last minute and advertise the club there for a few hours before having to rush off for class. Another five-six people scored as libertarian according to the world’s smallest political quiz. … Continue reading

See you all in fall!

    We held our last meeting on Thursday. It was a quiet affair, but I have to say a fitting end to things. It’s now been two semesters since I began working this club and I have to say I’m satisfied. We didn’t hold any big events, host any speakers, and we frequently devolved … Continue reading

April Update

Spring Break took a week off the month, but the club meet on all other weeks. Needed paperwork for official club recognition has been finished and now we only need to turn it in. Words can’t express how joyful it is to have reached this far. The club started off with no one but myself … Continue reading

Atlas Shrugged Books Arrived Today!

The meetings have been fairly uneventful and mostly filled with casual chit chatter, but it’s been enjoyable. We’re almost ready to present our paperwork to be recognized as an official club; we only need to get the unofficial records of some officers. Afterward we have to sign up for a constitutional meeting, and meet with … Continue reading

Minutes for March 8th

The first Thursday meeting was a fair success in terms of turn out. We’ll be meeting next Thursday in the Second Floor of the Sierra Center Cafeteria again next week (3/10). 5 PM. All interested students are encouraged to attend of course. We had informal elections for officer positions. We now have a Secretary (Sam), … Continue reading