1. Is the libertarian club partisan?

No. The Libertarian Club does not specifically endorse any single party, but supports the message of liberty regardless of party. We’ve received help from the Libertarian Party, especially the Los Angeles Libertarian Party, but we aren’t an official party of the LP. We welcome everyone, regardless of party affiliation, to attend our meetings.

Our members vary in political positions, and it’s okay to disagree with the general consensus. All that is asked is you are respectful of other club members.

2. What are club meetings like?

Club meetings are informal and usually have few, if any, agenda items. The club is still very small so unlike other political clubs we can discuss matters freely. A warning of advice, we tend to get off topic and it is not unusual for us to end up talking about Doctor Who, or other subjects. We are a political club, but we also enjoy the spontaneous nature of conversation.

3. Do you support Ron Paul?

Although we’ve never conducted a formal survey, it is safe to say that most (if not all) club members are fans of Ron Paul. As noted in the first question, the Libertarian Club is non-partisan, so Republicans are more than welcome to join us.

4. What is libertarianism anyway?

Professor Glen Whitman tackles this question here.

The short answer is this though: libertarians believe in freedom in both the social and economic realms of politics. They believe that someone is able to both decide how to run their personal and business lives without government interference. So, for example, most libertarians are in complete favor of same-sex marriage and the legalization of drugs. At the same time they believe in minimal taxation and discourage the state intervening in the economy (End the Fed!).

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