New Semester & Recruitment

A new semester is upon us and, with it, a new need to recruit new members for the club. I managed to attend Matafest last minute and advertise the club there for a few hours before having to rush off for class. Another five-six people scored as libertarian according to the world’s smallest political quiz. Three of them seemed interested in joining the club, and hopefully they’ll actually attend one of our meetings!

Next week we will be tabling at Meet the Clubs. The event will run on Tuesday and Wednesday next week, from 11am – 3pm. Hopefully we can get a dozen people interested enough to attend one of our meetings. Since labour day eats up next Monday, next week’s discussion group will be on Wednesday immediately after Meet the Clubs.

Our meetings this semester will be on Mondays @ 3:30 PM in the second floor of the Sierra Center Cafeteria. Sadly I was not able to get us a room for the first few meetings, but will try to get it by October.

-Michelangelo Landgrave


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